Whole Body Vibration machines have been researched by space agencies for their ability to help astronauts reverse the negative health effects caused by zero gravity. Hypervibe delivers this same technology right to your home — in the most powerful machine for the money — with acceleration speeds of up to 17x Earth’s gravity. Achieve your health and fitness goals on the Hypervibe G17 Pro in just 10 minutes a day
Hypervibe is a machine that provides whole body vibration, which is provided by oscillating plates that you stand on. It can be used to help support exercise as well as rehabilitation from various physical ailments.
It’s a safe and effective way to boost your health and fitness without having to visit a gym or spend lots of time on money on fad gadgets that don’t work.
Because it stimulates and activates the whole body, the Hypervibe G17 Pro delivers a broad range of benefits for every user, including:
Active aging
Weight loss & fitness
Women’s health & beauty
Performance & recovery
Relief & revival
Using Hypervibe has a number of benefits, including increasing muscle strength, tone and bone density. Hypervibe will also help reduce pain whilst also boosting range of motion (flexibility). Sessions will also help increase circulation and the lymphatic system.
We typically spend most of our lives adopting poor posture, or just spending too long sitting down. Our muscles can get fatigued and cause pain. Hypervibe literally re-awakes the muscles to encourage better circulation and drainage of waste products.
If you currently exercise, Hypervibe is a great way to supercharge your results in the gym. You may have even noticed your gym has vibration plates, however Hypervibe offers superior oscillation that can be customized to a specific body area, such as the glutes or lower back.
[pdf-embedder url='https://hydrobodysculpt.com/wp content/uploads/Hypervibe_G17Brochure_US_v2_opt.pdf']
Experience the scientifically supported benefits of Whole-body Vibration Therapy. Improve your health using innovative technologies and low impact training from the comfort of your home.
Experience the scientifically supported benefits of Whole-body Vibration Therapy. Improve your health using innovative technologies and low
impact training from the comfort of your home.
The key to achieving significant benefits to power and strength is the intensity of muscle stimulus.
High acceleration vibration training takes only minutes a day and activates your body´s fat burning systems in multiple ways.
Whole Body Vibration has been shown to be a safe and effective way to perform these vital joint- protecting exercises when suffering from osteoarthritis.
Vibration exercise is a fast and easy way to boost Human Growth Hormone the “youth” hormone while reducing Cortisol the “stress” hormone.
Hypervibe produces pivotal vibration, which causes the pelvis to rotate and as a result, produces a more natural alternating bipedal motion.
Hypervibe’s full range of frequency and highest g force levels for the money, this makes Hypervibe the best choice machine for lower back therapy.
Hypervibe is the fastest and easiest way to strengthen your body and unlock energy you didn´t know you had.
Vibration training is a unique form of exercise for a number of reasons. Improving movement of blood are things that exercise on a vibration machine is particularly well suited to.
Whole Body Vibration is possibly the easiest, safest and most practical way to maintain bone strength.
Vibration Training is unique because it increases
strength and power
Here at Tap Into Health, we provide a range of health and wellness solutions. If you are looking to boost your circulation and overall muscle health, Hypervibe is a machine that provides whole body vibration.
Using a customized program, our Hypervibe machine can tailor the exact level of vibration to work a particular muscle group. You can slowly build up your resistance to work different muscle groups every time you have a session with us.
. Hypervibe is a machine that provides whole body vibration, which is provided by oscillating plates that you stand on. It can be used to help support exercise as well as rehabilitation from various physical ailments.
It’s a safe and effective way to boost your health and fitness without having to visit a gym or spend lots of time on money on fad gadgets that don’t work.
. Tap Into Health are based in Concord, California. You can either visit us at our location or give us a call on (925) 588-7285 for more information.
. Using Hypervibe has a number of benefits, including increasing muscle strength, tone and bone density. Hypervibe will also help reduce pain whilst also boosting range of motion (flexibility). Sessions will also help increase circulation and the lymphatic system.
We typically spend most of our lives adopting poor posture, or just spending too long sitting down. Our muscles can get fatigued and cause pain. Hypervibe literally re-awakes the muscles to encourage better circulation and drainage of waste products.
If you currently exercise, Hypervibe is a great way to supercharge your results in the gym. You may have even noticed your gym has vibration plates, however Hypervibe offers superior oscillation that can be customized to a specific body area, such as the glutes or lower back.
. How noisy a machine is, is quite subjective and conditional. We have had many customers compliment us on how quiet our machines are, while others have wanted to return them due to being too loud. The noise produced by any machine is relative to how it is being used, the vibration settings and also where it is installed. For example, performing exercises where you shift your body weight from one side to the other will cause uneven weight distribution through the machine and create more noise. Locking your legs (not often advised) will create more noise. Using the machine at lower vibration settings will have lower noise than using the machine at higher vibration settings.
It is true that a Hypervibe machine has the potential to be louder than other (typically cheaper) competitor machines, but this is only because of the difference in power potential. Comparing the noise of a high powered Hypervibe to a low powered competitor, is a bit like comparing the noise of a pussy cat to a tiger.
. A Hypervibe machine can be installed anywhere where there is a structurally supported, flat surface floor, indoors and insulated from moisture. However there is a most ideal installation condition and a least ideal installation condition.Obviously there is a lot of room in between those extremes. It is no problem to use the machine in the least ideal scenario, it will just mean that you might get complaints from the neighbours below if you live in a shared building.
. It is important to preface this question, because it usually is asked based on a misconception that the size of a motor gives an indication of a machine’s longevity and performance capabilities. To properly understand the relevance of motor size in a vibration machine, you need to understand that there are:
Different motor types driving…
Different machine types driven by…
Different technologies driving…
Platforms of different size and mass
And even if you factor all of these things in, you then are left to trust the seller that advertised motor size is correct. Many of the companies advertising high motor ratings, are the same companies who (per 3rd party engineering tests) are advertising false specifications on their vibration characteristics. If you have read about the features that matter in a vibration machine, then you’ll understand that when scientific research is performed on a Whole Body Vibration platform, scientists document and measure the vibration characteristics of frequency, amplitude and G force. These measurements determine how your body responds to the vibration. Scientists don’t consider the size of the motor, because your body does not respond to the size of the motor, your body responds to the vibration produced by it. If you are being influenced to buy a machine because it is advertised with a large sized motor, you risk buying a machine with a large sized motor, and low performing vibration characteristics. A review of 3rd party engineering tests performed on 57 Whole Body Vibration machines, shows that many of the machines advertised with large motor ratings, failed to produce vibration characteristics associated with many of the benefits of Whole Body Vibration. Hypervibe motors are the toughest
G10 = 330W DC
G14 = 330W DC
G17 = 900W DC
All Hypervibe machines include a 10 year motor warranty.
. A private labelled machine is a machine sold by an importer who puts their label on it, but was designed and manufactured by another company. And because the manufacturer who owns the design wants to make as many sales as possible, private labelled machines are typically found under many different brand names.
If you have noticed that many brands look like the same machine, this is most likely because the machine is private labelled. Manufacturers often allow importers to make minor modifications to make the product look more unique, such as changes to handle configuration, changes to the control panel etc. but these are still easy to pick.
A quick search of the online manufacturing marketplace alibaba.com and you will find the same private labelled machines being sold under brand names in .
In theory, there is no reason why a private labelled machine could not be a good purchase, but in practice the odds are heavily stacked against you. For example, according to the results of 57 machines tested by 3rd party engineers:
The majority of private labelled machines produced less than 5g’s.
The majority 0of brands which advertised false specifications were private labelled machines
All of the private labelled machines use speed levels on their control panel (read more)
Private labelled machines had large variations in price for essentially the same product
Another reason why buying a private labelled machine may not be such a great idea, is because the company importing them is rarely committed. For example, compared with a brand with unique design and technology, a company importing private labelled machines does not have to commit to:
Research & development costs
Patent registrations
Manufacturing molds and tools
In fact, if a company wants to start selling private labelled Whole Body Vibration equipment, they can give themselves a brand name, create a website, and be taking pre-orders from an order they place with a manufacturer within a week or two. With such little investment or commitment, these companies lack expertise, credibility, and often come and then go in the blink of an eye. Hypervibe is one of a small number of brands who do not sell private label machines. Our machines were designed in Sydney, Australia after winning a funding grant from the Australian Department of Innovation, and the design is patented internationally. You will not find our machines sold under other brand names.
. Hypervibe is a pivotal motion machine, otherwise known as oscillating, side-alternating, or rotational. All machines of this type only have 1 motor. The other type of machine is called a lineal motion machine, otherwise known as vertical, 3D, tri-planar, or synchronous. Machines of this type usually have 2 motors. In our experience, people who ask this question are usually wanting to know “how many vibration motion types does Hypervibe have?” In recent years a number of private labelled machines have been released that have two or more motors, and claim to offer multiple modes of vibration motion. Simply put, these machines do not produce high levels of G force in any of the modes they operate in, and per research published via the University of Calgary, secondary modes of vibration may have no beneficial effect at all.
. There are no industry standard terms to describe the types of Whole Body Vibration platforms, and unfortunately this can make it very confusing for people who are learning about the technology. In fact, despite the large number of terms you will read to describe the different types of vibration platforms, there are really only 2 main types.
PIVOTAL Oscillating, Side-Alternating, Rotational, Teeter-Totter, See-Saw or LINEAL Vertical, Synchronous, Flat, Tri Planar, 3D
These 2 main types of vibration account for 99% of the research on Whole Body Vibration, and this video provides a summary and visual demonstration of them.
Now, there are a few experimental types that have been produced, such as stochastic (a separate right and left platform that moves randomly and independently of one another), or spiral/circular (an invention of a Chinese factory that has been proven to be ineffective). But as mentioned, there are only 2 main types, and these are the only 2 types that are covered by the scientific research in great detail.
. Hypervibe was established in Australia in 2008 and expanded internationally from 2010. In 2011 Hypervibe was awarded grant funding in a highly competitive program created by the Australian Department of Innovation.
. Speed levels are abstract numbers that don’t have any value. If I told you to drive your car at speed level 7, how fast would you be going? It doesn’t make sense, because the speed of your car is measured in miles or kilometres per hour. Likewise, the speed of your vibration platform is measured as frequency, which refers to the number of cycles of the platform per second, stated as the Hertz (Hz) value. Different frequencies have different effects on the body, so all professional machines display the frequency on the control panel, not speed levels.
. Whole Body Vibration is a form of weight bearing (resistance) exercise. So, just as calorie counting when lifting weights is not a great way to measure those outcomes, neither is it with a vibration machine. For improving body composition, results are best measured with a measuring tape, or better yet a body composition analysis machine, if you have access to one. Jumping on the scales may also not be a great way to measure progress, because you can become heavier but slimmer, by increasing lean muscle and burning fat.
. This question is often asked by people who have read that high G force is dangerous on a website created by a company selling a low G force vibration machine. The first thing to understand, is that any vibration machine that has variable settings, subsequently has variable G force. Hypervibe machines can be used at a G force level of less than 0.1g’s all the way up to 10g’s or more. A low G force machine might range from 0.1g’s up to 4g’s. So clearly what this means is that with a higher G force machine, you have the opportunity to progress further with the G force, and it does not mean you only have a high G force setting. The next thing to understand is that the G force you experience on a vibration machine is not the same as G force a pilot would experience in a fighter jet, or that you would experience on a roller coaster for example. The effect of G force on your body is relative to the amount of G force, but also the duration it is applied for. A fighter pilot that turns his aircraft for a few seconds might lose consciousness at 5g’s or more, but hitting a bump in the road when you are driving your car can also generate 5g’s or more and do you no harm whatsoever. The difference between these 2 scenarios is the duration of the G force exposure. In the fighter pilot example, G exposure is sustained for a few seconds, and in the bumpy road example the G exposure is only for a fraction of a second. It is a bit like how you experience heat. If you hold your hand over a flame, you will inevitably be burned, but if you run your hand through the flame quickly, there will be no damage. A vibration machine sends hundreds of pulses of G force into the body each minute you use the machine, the duration of each pulse is only for a fraction of a second. Numerous studies have shown that not only is high force safe and well tolerated by a wide range of demographics, but that outcomes are improved as you increase the G force and that disappointing outcomes often result when the G force levels are too low. Read more about the safety of high G force here.